Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Dear Lightfoot Families,
We are excited to start the 2022-2023 school year with our students on campus and our construction project complete. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the arrival and dismissal procedures.

1st - 5th Grade Families
Parents are encouraged to say goodbye at the drop off area or at the rear gate located at Vintage Park. Due to our high enrollment numbers, parents will be asked to say goodbye in front of the school instead of going on the hardcourt as the high number of students make the hardcourt crowded enough. Parents who have arranged times to volunteer in the classroom will be asked to enter campus through the office to sign-in before entering campus. Parents are not to loiter on campus when the school bell rings. All visitors will be asked to leave campus once school is in session unless they have arranged to volunteer in advance.
The students must be dropped off in front of the school. Once the students arrive on campus, they will be directed to the playground area where they will line up on their class line. Students can be dropped off when we will begin supervision at 7:55 AM.
Please arrange a meeting location prior to the first day of school. After the bell, students will be directed to the front or the back of the school to meet their parents, ride their bike, or walk home at 2:45 PM (1:15 on Minimum Day Mondays). Again, it is always a good idea to talk through your plan with your student prior to the first day of school.
A school parking lot becomes very congested before and after school and especially on rainy and windy days. Lots of traffic will require us all to be safety conscious and patient when driving your child to and from school
There are two areas to drop off your student. Supervision begins at 7:55. Please do not drop off your child until 7:55 AM. The front gates to enter the school will open at those times. Please see the descriptions and map below.
Area 1- This is an area assigned for primary grades TK through 2nd grade students (and older siblings) located in the right lane of the drive at the southern end of the drop off. This area includes the long yellow curb in front of the bike rack. Your student will be asked to walk through the southern blue gate. TK and K students will enter the kindergarten playground area and will be directed by staff to stand in assigned areas. Students will be escorted from their playground area to the classroom when school begins.
Area 2- This area is designated for students in 3rd-5th grade. Please use the left lane as you enter the drive and pull your car forward until a staff member located at the end of the island directs you to pull to the turnabout. The drop off area for your 3rd-5th grader will be located in front of the MPR along the yellow curb.
Do not use the Handicapped Parking unless you have a Handicapped Permit. We do have parents and employees with permits who have a legal right and need to use this area.
Please be timely when picking up your children. Supervision is provided until 3:00 p.m. only.
Please do not park or leave cars unattended in the drop off lane.
Share these guidelines with your daycare provider or those family members who will pick up or drop off your children. Thank you!
On windy and rainy days, all of the above rules still apply! Thank you for your cooperation in making our parking and drop off areas safe for everyone!
Kindergarten Families
Due to the large number of Kindergarten students and our concern for your child’s safety, we our reminding all K parents about the Kindergarten Drop-off/Pick-up Procedure at the 11:25 a.m. arrival/dismissal time.
AM Kindergarten Pick-up:
Only licensed Day Care providers can pick-up A.M. Kindergartners curbside. They may do so at the north end of the parking lot, in front of the MPR. All other A.M. Kindergartners must be picked up at the kindergarten playground. Parents are not permitted to park in the drop-off or pick-up areas (yellow and red curbs). By parking at the curb, this blocks the flow of traffic and the other parents or day care providers trying to drop off or pick-up their children. It is advised for parents picking-up morning Kindergartners to park off campus or in a DESIGNATED parking space.
P.M. Kindergarten Drop-off:
Students can only be dropped off in the drop-off lane and walk to the KG gate. Do not park or leave your car in any lane or traffic circles. This disrupts the flow of traffic and the other parents trying to drop off their Kindergartner. It is advised if you wish to walk your child to the Kindergarten playground gate, please park off campus or in a designated parking space.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter. We are very concerned about the safety of your children and would like all parents to follow these drop-off/pick-up procedures.
Thank you, The Kindergarten Staff